Bugatti type 44 - 1928-29. 8 cylindre. 3 liter (44 11
32). Coupé
carosserie bygget af Delarche og Cie, Dijon - Frankrig. Original
og fremtræder som ny. - Pris 18.000 kr. (Tophastighed 150 km).
Bugatti type 44 - 1928-29. 8 cylindre. 5 liter.
Complet chassis, med radiator, lygter, kølerhjælm og instrumenter
samt hjul. Pris 7.500 kr.
Henvendelse: H.C.Rasmussen, Kronprinsessegade 46 D. Mi. 8746.
daglig Central 445, lokal 40.
You will probably remember your very pleasant little speech at
our press cocktail party at Hotel Richmond, and your reference to
the desirability of Dunlop continuing to produce the old sizes and
types of tyres for Veteran Cars.
I thought you would perhaps be interested to hear that I conveyed
your opinions to my head office in London and have now received an
assurance that Dunlap have no intention of discontinuing their
service of vintage and veteran tyres. London point out that due
to modern production methods it is of course possible that some
delays may be experienced by the public in obtaining delivery of
single tyres, or very small quantities, but it can be said that
Dunlop will continue to manufacture these particular requirements
and will make the tyres available with the shortest possible delay.
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